Where Can I Grow Zoysia In Australia

Zoysia grass does its very best in warmer weather climates where it will absolutely thrive, especially in humid climates. Many Zoysia grass types also grow very well right around Australia, but there are important differences between the different families of Zoysia, and differences within these families between the different brands of Zoysia.

So let’s take an in-depth look at each of the different regions of Australia to determine the best Zoysia grasses for us to choose from.


Regional Notes On Zoysia

Queensland, NT and Northern NSW
These regions are absolutely perfect growing environments for all types of Zoysia, with special exceptions for Matrella Zoysia grasses which thrive in the tropics only. For everyone within this region, Zoysia should be the very first lawn type to consider for its environmental benefits, and low maintenance requirements.

East Coast
As far down the coast to Sydney will happily grow Empire, Nara, Compadre and Zenith. Sydney should expect no winter brown off of Nara and Empire Zoysia, but may experience slight brown off with Zenith and Compadre as these are more suited to warmer environments and grow slower than the faster growing Empire and Nara. Further south past Sydney and Empire and Nara will be the two remaining Zoysia types which are better suited. Areas west of Sydney that experience regular frost may find Zoysia to brown off a couple of weeks earlier than other warm season grasses, and that Nara and Empire will become the preferred choices.


West Coast
As far down the coast to Perth will happily grow Empire, Nara, Compadre and Zenith. Further south past Perth and Empire and Nara will be the two remaining Zoysia types which are best suited. Perth should experience no winter brown off with Zoysia.


Within the green zone on the map, Nara and Empire are the only suitable Zoysia types to grow, and throughout most of the year, people will experience all of the benefits that Zoysia can provide. Including savings in mowing, water, fertiliser and pesticide requirements. However, due to the cold winters, Zoysia can be expected to brown off earlier than other grass types. And in these areas, Nara appears to retain its winter colour better than Empire. Both Empire and Nara will green up in Spring at faster rates than Buffalo.


Green Zone WA and SA
Areas of the South West of WA, and areas around Adelaide and South East of SA which are within the green zone and which experience significant winter cold and frosts will experience some winter brown off with Zoysia. Please see advice for Victoria above.


Winter Brown Off
This is when lawns in some regions naturally become a little brown due to frosts and very cold nights. This is normal for many plants and trees to change with the seasons. People with Zoysia lawns who experience this often find that a good dose of quality fertiliser in mid to late Autumn can often stop brown off from occurring at best, and reduce its effects at minimum.


Where To Grow Zoysia



Zoysia Heat Map Zones

Macrantha (Nara)

Macrantha (Nara)

Macrantha (Nara)
Not Matrella

Macrantha (Nara)
Not Matrella

All Japonica, Nara, Hybrids in Perth and Sydney.
Empire (japonica) in all other Green Zone areas
Nara (macrantha) in all other Green Zone areas
Not Matrella

Zoysia is not particularly suited, these regions are better suited to Cool Climate Grasses.

Empire and Nara can grow in the Blue Zone, and with all the benefits of a Zoysia lawn throughout the year, but will brown off over winter like all other warm season grasses in these regions. Check on other Zoysia lawns in this region to decide suitability.


Credit and acknowledgment:
Thanks to Empire Zoysia for their considerable assistance with this article