Studies prove Nara™ Native Turf is ideal for Australian landscapes

Native Turf Nara Native Turf Native Turf Native Turf

LANDSCAPE PROFESSIONALS are now switching to Nara™ Native Turf, a beautiful form of Zoysia macrantha. It is behaving like any other typical lawn, with the added benefits of low maintenance and being an Australian native.

Research from the Department of Primary Industries1 proves that Nara is highly salt tolerant making it ideal for coastal situations. In another Department of Primary Industries2 study Zoysia macrantha was found to be more drought tolerant than Buffalo and Couch. Studies show Zoysia in general is resistant to army worms3 and many other bugs, making Nara (a type of Zoysia) a safer lawn choice for Australian Landscapes. Australian and USA comparison trials have shown Nara has better winter colour than other comparator Zoysia types, and has a much speedier growth rate4, thus providing better recovery from wear.

One of the big problems with Buffalo lawns in Australia is that they are easily invaded by Kikuyu and other hard to remove weeds. Nara being a Zoysia, can be treated with herbicides to remove these weeds, simply by spraying the whole area a couple of times. It is recommended to have a professional herbicide contractor apply these appropriate broad spectrum chemicals. You cannot do this with Buffalo, instead you need to paint Glyphosate (Round-Up) very carefully on the blades of invading Kikuyu. This is very difficult to do, and whole suburbs are finding Buffalo lawns being overtaken with Kikuyu.

Nara has deep vigorous Rhizomes, which makes it highly resistant to wear and extremely drought tolerant, yet its fine leaf is soft, and a favourite for children to play on. When it comes to shade, it comes in slightly behind Buffalo, but it is a lot more shade tolerant than Couch and Kikuyu.

It has been successfully installed in many homes, parks, roadsides and other landscapes around Australia, both near the coast and a long way inland. Landscape architects, designers, councils and golf courses often prefer to use native plants, now they have a native turf that performs to accompany them. This is the first time that going native for turf has really been an option in Australia.

Here are a few testimonials:

“My experience with Nara has found it to be a strong performer with good winter colour, a soft feel under foot and good shade tolerance for a fine leaf grass. An excellent choice for residential, sports & formal lawns.” – Graeme from Landscapes for Living, NSW

“Kids love it because it’s soft under their feet. Green as you can get it, looks like couch but without the cost. It’s very economical and looks good.” – Jim, QLD

“It has taken up so well. Very very hardy. Looks as green as everything. Very happy with its performance. It was advertised as drought resistant but it also tolerates shade well.” – Marlies, QLD (NOTE: not as good in shade as Buffalos)

“The turf blends into the surrounds very well. Being on acres, we didn’t want an artificial looking ‘turf’ as many of them are, rather something which blended into the surrounding native grasses. Nara does the job very well.” – Carol, Theresa Park, NSW

“The first Native grass for the commercial and domestic market. It doesn’t scalp as much as Couch. Low maintenance, quick repairing and dark blue-green colour. Nara is drought tolerant which = less water = less cost = better environment.” – Joyce from ABC Turf

“I was surprised and pleased to hear of a native turf and keen to try it. It’s doing well… None has died and it looks good – a bit like Couch, but it doesn’t grow as tall. It’s holding up well and has rooted well, and is handling the dogs.” – Barbara, Qld

NOTE: As Nara is low maintenance, it will take 5-7 days longer to establish in the warmer months. In cooler areas, avoid winter planting. Make sure you give Nara the right establishment period because no grass is a miracle grass, they are still living things that need some care.

  1. Amenity Grasses for Salt-affected parkland in coastal Australia, Department of Primary Industries Qld.
  2. Water use studies and implications for management of subtropical C4 turf grasses in dryland and irrigated urban open space. Dr Chris Menzel Qld DPI.
  3. Flavonoids of Zoysiagrass (Zoysia spp.) Cultivars Varying in Fall Armyworm (Spodoptera frugiperda) Resistance, US Department of Agriculture and Resistance in Zoysiagrass (Zoysia SPP.) to the fall armyworm (Spodoptera frugiperda) (Lepidoptera:Noctuidae) Reinert, James A.; Engelke, M.C.
  4. Plant Breeder Rights Australia Comparative Trial 2008 and A South Florida grower’s performance evaluation of three new warm-season turf varieties from Ozbreed Pty ltd Sam McCoy.

